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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a big dork from California transplanted to Ohio for graduate school. I am a Ph.D student in theatre at Ohio State and I study popular performance in Latin America. I love being silly and serious equally. To me tragedy and comedy, both in life and in the theater, are more similar than they are different. I love talking about popular culture, or engaging in heated political debates. I love discovering new things. New music, new food to try, new places to go. I am happy as long as I have good people, good music, and good food in my life. I love to cook and when I retire from Academic life, I hope to be a chef at a wonderful little cozy restaurant somewhere near the beach in California.

My Interests

music, theater, writing, cooking, popular culture, travel, intellectual conversations, inane and silly conversations

I'd like to meet:

fun unpretentious people with a good mixture of seriousness and sillyness


Bjork, Radiohead, Tool, Sleater-Kinney, Stereolab, Television, Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald, Fugazi, Bob Dylan, Parliament, Stevie Wonder, Death Cab, Breeders, The Beatles, American Analog Set, Modest Mouse, Gillian Welch, Tom Waits, Iron and Wine, Johny Cash, The Shins, David Bowie, Midnight Movies, Elliot Smith, Cat Power, The Cure, Talking Heads, Nick Drake, Sonic Youth, The Pixies, Midnight movies, Pinback, Le Tigre, Neko Case, Dios Malos, Leonard Cohen, The Smiths, Belle and Sebastian, Susanna Baca, and Ruben Blades


Spirited Away, Mulholland Drive, Being John Malkovich, Rashoman, Akira, Donnie Darko, Some Like it Hot, The Apartment, Raising Arizona, Princess Mononoke, Abre Los Ojos, Todo Sobre mi Madre, Secretary, Amelie, Neverending Story, Goonies, Annie Hall, Breakfast at Tiffany's


Six Feet Under, The OC (cheesy but oh so fun), The Iron Chef, Arrested Development


Orwell, Delillo, Huxley, Bukowski, Vonnegut, Sandra Tsing Loh, Joyce Carol Oates, Rushdie, Samuel Beckett, Anton Chekhov, Ionesco, Arrabal, Pinter, Shakespeare, Suzan-Lori Parks, Zadie Smith, Dahl, Where the Wild Things Are, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and tons of other stuff


If I said Che Guevara am I going to be mysteriously investigated by the government? But seriously, probably Bob Dylan, Bob Fosse, and the amazing actors, actresses, and theater artists of Yuyachkani in Lima, Peru.

My Blog


Hello everybody. I just wanted to let everyone know I am ok. For those that don't know, I have been in Peru doing dissertation research for the the summer (winter here), and yesterday there was a ma...
Posted by Jason on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:32:00 PST


Well I passed my exams. The orals were quite tough. Two hours of 4 examiners asking the tough questions, but I got through it unscathed and unscarred, and now I am ABD. The rite of passage is over ...
Posted by Jason on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 02:44:00 PST

done with exams

So I finished with my comprehensive exams. It was crazy. Very much a rite of passage. It felt I was outside of everday life for about a week, and wrote over 70 pages in 3 stints of 8 hours. None o...
Posted by Jason on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 09:58:00 PST

exams day two

Ok, that was much much better. I am actually pretty proud of what I wrote and if I didn't already have a dissertation topic then I would have a fascinating one in representations of the "Indian" on t...
Posted by Jason on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 04:58:00 PST

1st day of generals

Well that pretty much sucked. I wrote 23 pages in 8 hours. Not the best writing I have ever done, and the time seemed to be constantly ticking. But I got through it, and I think there are at least ...
Posted by Jason on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 02:37:00 PST

Exams Tomorrow. ACK!!!

So I go in to my prison tomorrow for 6 (well really 8) hours for my first day of exams. I have 4 hours of performance theory and criticism, and 2 hours of dramatic literature tomorrow. I kind of jus...
Posted by Jason on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 05:52:00 PST

My film debut

Apparently I am in the film Borat.  This was completely unintentional of course.  In the first 15 minutes of the movie, there is a shot of Borat walking down the street in New York City.&nbs...
Posted by Jason on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 09:30:00 PST

back in C-bus

So I just got back into Columbus for another year of school.  It was a crazy summer and now it's all gonna slow down.  My new apartment is pretty cool though.  It's gonna take some gett...
Posted by Jason on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 09:37:00 PST

voy a salir Peru

So I am now at the airport in Lima.  Apparently they have free internet in the smoking lounge.  I went there because it was the only place on the other side of security to get a glass of wat...
Posted by Jason on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 10:04:00 PST

ya estoy en Lima

So I took another bus by night from Ayacucho to Lima.  I am exhausted today.  I am staying at Ramon, a friend from my Quechua courseĀ“s house.  It is a great place.  Only problem, t...
Posted by Jason on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 07:03:00 PST