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About Me

Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

Im Tania....Heres some Random Facts:
This year being 21 is going to be great
i just started working in the PICK & SHOVEL...whoop!
...had my second tat and i love it..want more...
wish i was more like jim and less like lorraine...
I'd love to be thought of as an eternal OPTAMIST
My house smells and is so dirty i think we may catch the plage!!but i love the people that are normally in it..so it makes up for it!
I rekon if i wrote a tv show about us it would bring in the mulla!!(thats money not the yoguart dessert....really need to learn to spell!)
oh and i have a major crush on hugh lawrie at the moment (weird i know)
I hate TRAIN DOORS long story........don't ask!Loons R us

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My Interests

I'm Tania Lorraine Danger Vincent, I'm a geek... I'm studying computer animation !
I live inbetween my uni house with my 2nd family(soon to be moved to cardiff and made a lot bigger)...and bridgend where the other crazy vincents are.
i am a 'stress head', I say 'sorry' lots, I mumble..less now than ever, I like to laughing, dancing, watchin filums! being naieve and gulible (can dogs look up?)...or falling down!WHOOP!

I'd like to meet:

Frank Oz, John Lasseter, Jack Black, Simon Pegg,jessica stevenson& Nick Frost, stephen Fry, Dawn French,Steve Merchant, Scarlett Johansson...plus so so many more!


Everything from Frank Sinatra and Gorillaz to Disturbed, Tenacious D and of course the ledgends that are Stevie Wonder and Kings of Leon. Bit of a Indie Rocker at the moment....if its good i likes it!!! Band of the day: Sevendust


can't possibly list them all.... High Fidelity, Office Space, Orange County, Face Off, Ghost World, Little Miss Sunshine, Royal Tennembaums, XMEN!!! Harry met sally, Garden State, 12 Angry Men, AMeLIE (newset favourite: thank u Mr King&Mr Swain) Star Wars, Muppets Take Manhatten, Every pixar film, Breakfast club, Emperors new groove, the list goes on and on!


SCRUBS!!!, Heroes, Spaced! PEEP SHOW, Dirt, Sex and the city, House,Extras XFM Lost, ..Drawn Together,Futurama,CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASUM,South Park,Neighbours!!!!Black Books,FriendsAmerican DadAny good cartoons:odd parents,Fosters,Invader Zim


Matilda, illusion of life, animatiors survival guide, Character manual: how to draw looney tunes, Isaac Asimov, Douglas Coupland, Douglas Adams, and soooo soooo many others...i read tooo much!Your results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 87% Spider-Man 85% The Flash 80% Robin 77% Superman 75% Supergirl 72% Green Lantern 65% Iron Man 50% Hulk 40% Batman 30% Catwoman 30% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz


ELF and Jim Henson

My Blog

to watch list!

Hi there, this isnt really a blog but me being lazy...i always lose pieces of paper and need to remember what i fancy watching on alluc....coz i get bored and blank out..end up watching repeats of pee...
Posted by BumFace on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 01:07:00 PST

Meet The Robinsons

Okay so one of the advantages of having a little sister is that I get to go see loads of kiddies films.....so last night we saw Meet the Robinsons...Just thought id tell you guys about it:Im a cynical...
Posted by BumFace on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 09:44:00 PST

if i was.....

Okay here is some questions i did to distract me.I'm all lonely and tooo tired to draw!!!yes i am lazy.I still don't know how to tag people so i am gonna just tell anyone who reads this to 'DO IT!!!!!...
Posted by BumFace on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 05:29:00 PST


Well i finally did it....I abused my body and got a tattoo!!hurray!! After 4 attempts at getting it done, with the shop being closed randomly, tattoists not being in and other such fun things i was s...
Posted by BumFace on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:59:00 PST