About Me
OK, OK...so I thought it be best to write some new things up in here....like anyone cares, but hey...why not!?About me...about me...well, I'm a mommy. I've been holding this position over 15 yrs. years now...crazy, my oldest is a sophomore in high school and the younger ones are triplets (yes, triplets...yes, I've heard just about any question or comment you've got on this one...amazing how complete strangers will ask the most personal questions! WHAT THE HELL?! Everyone always wants to know all the details, so here it is...totally natural triplets...(apparently nearly a 1 in 1,000,000 chance, yep, that's me.) It has nothing to to with the father's side people! Trust me! I've read all the books when I tried to figure out just how this happened to me...all me and my body tripping out...not only that but my chances of doing this again, or twins is extremely high! yeah, that 'ought to be enough to scare away anyone! ha ha! Austin, Iliana (Lily) and Alexa, 4 yrs. old. Living in Huntington Beach for now and the foreseeable future, can't beat it...don't you love California weather?? I've done alot to come to terms with my life recently. Lessons learned, regrets, hopes and fears all rolled into one...I am not a liar (ok, I've stretched the truth here and there, but have come clean with everything I can think of...the major shit anyways), I'm not a cheater, I've done the best I can with what I've been dealt. I've tried to be "the nice one", keeping most of my comments to myself, usually only blasting out in defense, like any other person. I know there are people who have misconceptions about me out there, and if this is you, bring it on... I've put up with more crap than any one person should and f**k you, I'm still standing, it's made me stronger. Other than that, it's hard to say any more about me when I'm learning new things about me every day...  contact: Myspace Contact Tables