God, the bible, music, racing... cars. I am also working really hard at becoming a ski bum after I graduate from college.
friends and people that I have met through my various adventures and people who would like to get in on adventures.
good stuff... anything that doesnt suck... and dont forget music that not bad.
Boondock Saints is the best movie ever... period. From there the list is as follows:Pulp Fiction, Superbad, Reservior Dogs, Requiem For a Dream, Spun, SLC Punk, The Good. The bad And the Ugly, 300, Friday Night Lights, Hustle and Flow, American Grafitti, I Heart Huckabees, Blow, Full Metal Jacket, The Program, and The Thin Red Line.
Haha... History channel, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Discovery Channel, and NASCAR.
Farenhiet 451, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Flags of Our Fathers, Born on The 4th of July, Friday Night Lights, Jarhead, Battle Cry, American Soldier, Enders Game series, Ishmael, Into the Wild, The Savage Nation, and most importantly, the Bible.
Jesus Christ, my Grandpa, my Dad and of course my uncle Mike.