Golf, all sports, Casinos, the beach, vacations, HD TV, ND and Ole MIss Football, Steve Czaben, The Herd, defending catholicism, The Oreilly Factor, movies, and home cooked meals at the parentals.
Charlie Weiss, Tyler Durden, Greg Norman, Tiger Woods, Eva Mendes, Jessica Alba...
I like it all.
Goodfellas, Fargo, The Road to Perdition, The Big Labowski, Best In Show, Vanilla Sky,Its A Gift, Rules of Attraction,Oklahoma, Solaris, A Mighty Wind, American Beauty, Singles, Jerry Maguire, Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Garden State, Election, Airplane, Its A Wonderful Life, Gone With the Wind, North By NorthWest, The Departed
Sopranos, Entourage, all Seinfeld episodes, Family Guy, The Office
When I finish one... that will be my favorite
Thus far its gotta be Dad and Mom