a LIl bIt BOut me!! im a SinGER & a BAss GuitAR PlaYer.. IM InA gIRls ROck GRoup.VALHALLA!! love em..
doIN our Own SonGS Now, WHich iS TotalLY Rad!.
um i hav a bf.HIs name is JaMIe and he is def the best thing thats eva happend 2ME.love you!!... hes my spud! I hoNEstly DNt KNW WOt ID DO Wit Out Him.
neways i LOve MY sPorts anD My MUSiC!!
haha gotta love ya footy..
My bESt MAte iS JamIE B0wEr..mad cunt.haha thATS My BF..
My OTha BEst FreND iS ALIcia! THo she LIves in BallArat, wiSh SHe Was HEre.. Dnt FUNctION pRopERLY witHOut Her.
LOvers FOR liFE!
im a pretty easy goin kinda chick!! i make friends real easy and i just love 2 go out and hav fun..
ok well im ova this so if u wanna knw more.. feel free 2 ask..
k cya