so what up this is zane aka beans i've got two kids with the the same girl and no were not together i'm a juggalo from rupert id i'm originaly from the 308 but i've lived here fo somthin like 12 years i try to go back to my home town as much as possible i dont like people that talk there shit and run there mouth but i'm always up to meet new people so if you think that your someone i would like than hit me up
Layout by CoolChaser
juggalette or juggalo or poser
juggalette/juggalo you know ur shit ur going to be down for lyfe im me for more
Music Quizzes-----------------------------------------------------
What's Your Stoner Nickname?
Tweak and Cha One of the most fun and weirdest stoners their are. You often say dumb shit that turns out to be hilarious after a few seconds. You often make weird sounds and twitch a lot. You will use your skills of twitching and weird sounds to make up for shitty jokes you have told which strangely evens things out. You love smoking and hanging out with your friends and making an ass out of yourself. Definitely a nice and cool person to blaze it up with
Alcohol-Drugs-Vices Quizzes