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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I like to go to movies. out to dine,hang out with friends. I like to travel and explore new places. I like to to on cruises ( all though I have only been on one) I like amusment parks ( especialy Disney Parks). I like music, My favorite bands are Pet Shop Boys, Depeche mode, Duran Duran, Erasure, Def Leppard, and Tatu. I like 80s music, Rock, alternitive, some classical, some country. I like going to concerts and Shows. I am also a big Star Wars fan. Yes, I have a geek side to me. My hobbies are collecting dvds, playing video games, and playing music and writing songs ( which I don't get to do much anymore). I'm a funny guy to be around at least that is what my friends tell me. I just like to have a good time. Click here for your own Indiana Jones Myspace Layouts

My Interests

In honor of my niece's 4th birthday that will take place at Disneyland, It's a Small World.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people who have the same intrests as me ( going to concerts, movies, bowling, or just going out and doing whatever). I like to be around people who like to laugh and just like to have a good time. ( I am known to do impressions of Beavis and Butthead as well as other cartoon and movie personalitys). I am just looking to have some new friends. If I sound like the the kind of person you would like to meet and hang out with, send me a message. Please don't message me if you want me vist your "webpage". I joined myspace to meet new people and make new friends. Not to visit your "webpage". Thanks.Ok, there are some of you dumbasses out there that just don't get it. I WILL NOT VIST YOUR WEBPAGE Nor will I add you as a friend if you end up linking me to a porn site. So save yourself some time and leave me alone. I am only intrested in making new friends with REAL people. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Trailer
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Pet Shop Boys, Depeche Mode, Erasure, Duran Duran, New Order, Engima, Tatu, Genesis, Def Leppard, Electronic and pretty much anything thing from the 80's.


Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, Austin Powers, Jaws, The Green Mile, Baseketball, Beavis And Butthead, Dodgeball, Kingdom of Heaven, Braveheart, Eurotrip, and this is just for starters there are too many movies that I like. I like all kind of movies.


I don't watch much tv anymore. Most of what is on is crap now these days.. Here are some show that I do like. .. data=""


Anything Star Wars except the new jedi order. It pissed me off when killed Chewbacca.


Walt Disney and George Lucas. I just wish I could of met Walt Disney and I would like to meet George Lucas although I doubt if I ever will. Also the Pet Shop Boys. Not only did they get me in to songwritting and playing synthiziers but back in 1987 when my parents where going throgh a bitter divorce the first verse of West End Girls Stopped me from slashing my wrists. Their music stopped me from doing something stupid.

My Blog

Going to Disneyland =Give and arm and a leg

I am planning a trip for my wife and I to go to Disneyland for my niece's birthday in August. Boy Have cost skyrocketed since the last time I was there (back in 1999) Just to stay at one of the three ...
Posted by Steve on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:10:00 PST

Look at this!!!!!

Made you look!!!!
Posted by Steve on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 11:44:00 PST

Stupid People

I'm not your butler,I'm not your slave I'm only making a few dollers a day You look at me, what do you see A man, trying to make ends meet So why do you bother me when I am off the clock Why do you th...
Posted by Steve on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 02:17:00 PST

Poam of how I see the world today

No love, Only Pain No happness, only suffering No light, Only darkness No heaven, Only hell No good, Only evil No peace, Only war This is planet Earth    ...
Posted by Steve on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 01:14:00 PST