'SE BON KI RA' managed to record some of our first show at The Enigma Bar on the 30th of November 07. Please check out the recordings and let us know what you think. Thanks again to every one who joined with us in a night of head banging and metal.
*Rough Live Shit*
Recorded in one take at Derringers Music rehearsal rooms on the 15-01-08. The tracks are a sample of what will feature on sebonkira's debut five track EP called, "1000 Ways to Be" They are download-able and free. Please feel free to share our music.
"Se bon ki ra", a Haitian proverb meaning Good is Rare, is a reflection of the current state of world affairs, human nature, governing bodies and the universe in general
Presenting Australia’s next up and coming metal project featuring ex and current members from Sector III, Chakkra, Hammad, Fury, Obdurate Seduction and Truth Corroded.
Since our first show in November 07 se bon ki ra has been busy on the local scene. Heres is a list of some previous lineups we have had the pleasure to share the stage with: Mortal Sin, Double Dragon, Black Like Vengeance, Truth Corroded, Humonic, Closed Casket, A Red Dawn, ISAW, Shot in Paris, Order Of the Buzzard and The Harrowed.
Our vision is a continuous evolving journey of furious riffs, solid grooves, thrash rhythms and straight up raw vocals, in the vein of Machine Head, Lamb Of God and Megadeth.
Its time for some Voodoo in the City of Churches.
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Breathe by "se bon ki ra"
Shades Of Hate by "se bon ki ra"
Chasing The Vulnerable by 'se bon ki ra'
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