About Me
A few things I love... Multicolored sunsets, cats with personality, samurai mythology, green tea with honey, girls w/dark hair bright eyes, sleeping in the dark, the idea of reincarnation, veggie pizza, the smell of swimming pools and fresh cut grass, watching old kung-fu movies, good beer, playing pool, little kids, grilling and eating a good steak, hardcore guitar-heavy rock, meaningful sex, old cars, fresh sushi, deep tissue massage, unexpected tattoos, vampires, birthday pie, funky sunglasses, vanilla soy milk, being drunk once in a while, UFO mythology, absurdist comedy, chopsticks, tickling, watching cartoons, a full moon on a cloudless night, the look on a girl's face when you give her flowers, new shoes, blue jeans, giant speakers, mountains, forests and deserts, the smell of motorcycle exhaust, calligraphy drawing and sculpture, baking chocolate chip cookies, central air and black coffee.