Keigwins r the best! Zoom-Zoom rocks!
The first pic is of me and 'Craigy' at Thill, the second one is of me and JP at the Streets. I find '2ups' an amazing learning experience. Craig is definitely the best '2up rider' I've ever ridden with. Smooth doesn't even begin to describe it, as long as you don't ask him to wheelie down the straight as fast as the bike can go... :)
All and none. Depends on my mood.
Kill Bil, Matrix, Blade, V for Vendeta, Apocalypto and my fav of all times FASTER.
Hate it.
The Messenger, Malcolm X, Walking with the Wind, The Prisoners Wife, Molecules of Emotion, Physics of Soul and so many more... I could write a book on this subject :)
GOD (Allah Subhana Wata'ala)!!!! My Grandmother for loving me when times were ruff, my Dad for raising me alone and putting up with me, VR we all know why, Steve 'Mr.Daytona' Rapp for winning and going after what he wanted.