Dave profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hey Everyone!
My name is Dave, I'm a 23 year old Computer Geek :)
I'm a Network Engineer; basically I make computers talk together and play nice.
Sure work is work, but most of the time I'm happy with my job.
At work I'm known as one of the "Mac Guys"
I admit there is a certain 'emotional attachment' that I have with my MacBook... but it can also drive me crazy.
I'm generally a fun and happy person, occasionally overzealous.
I can be somewhat shy when I'm first getting to know people, but I'm usually pretty quick to warm up.
I absolutely love playing any game with a group of people. Cards, Party/Board-games, Video/Computer games, you name it!
I'm always up for going to places/events with a group of good friends.
Friends have classified the music I listen to as "Punk Rock on Prozac"
You can find a list of the Artists under 'Music' on the left I love my musics! I'm that guy in the grocery store with ear buds in mouthing along with whatever they're listening to.
Lately I've been listening to The Beatles.
A Few Random Facts:
I talk with my Hands/Eyebrows (Apparently even on the phone)
I'm a 'Rock Star' in my car
My second toe is longer than my big one
I have a 70+ Jones Soda collection, all with different pictures
For the life of me I can't whistle
I would rather talk in person than over the phone
Pie > Cake (Bonus points if it's Cherry, or Strawberry Rhubarb)
Tomatoes are scary and poisonous
I made my My Space background, and 'Contacting Dave' Frame
I draw and stuff, nothing all that special but you can check it out here:
Dave's deviantART Page

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

In short, Fun-loving people that bring out the best in me :)
I tend to be somewhat quiet around groups I'm just getting to know, but I always have a great time.
Eventually I would like to find that 'special' someone that I can share my life with.

My Blog

I had an adventure buying paint...

WARNING: This is a fairly long bitching/venting blog. In short it took me half of yesterday and part of today to get the correct paint for my bedroom.I'm painting my bedroom 3 colors, the same dark br...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 22:35:00 GMT

Why make me choose?

So, I can only get the borders on my profile that are dashed on both sides (they make it look all coolie like) to work with either IE or Safari and Firefox but not both.Lame...Stupid IE...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 00:24:00 GMT

When Friendship Expires

Okay so... I randomly sent an IM to my friend telling him that our friendship expires in a few days.His response was priceless. This isn't edited or anything that's the exact text of the conversation....
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 22:33:00 GMT

Does Anyone Actually Read These?

It may be that I am just not a good MySpace Friend, but I could probably count on one hand how many people's blogs I've actually read through... I see new ones posted all the time, but have not taken ...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 19:43:00 GMT