Going to school, sleeping late, quasi-running, giving bushur mullets, getting Winston bagels, txting fun msg's with Jolene, playing with Anna, learning dental stuff, looking at people's teeth, going to school, going to st. louis to watch stand up comedy, hanging with my super hub Mike, hermdog, horndog, watching zuul shows,..
Your Penis Name Is...
Squirmin' Herman the One-Eyed German
Penis Name Generator
A dentist who needs a hygienist
Tool is my fave.. I listen to them all the time, I can't help it. Puscifer has recently struck my fancy. Here's a wonderful video.. Cuntry Boner, it pretty much rules
All kinds of movies, mike and I go a lot
BBC America (Cash in the attic, You are what you eat, LOVE THEM!) Weeds, Dexter STARTS SUNDAY!! WOOO How I met your mother, seinfeld reruns, Cash cab, Chelsea Lately, Adult Swim, Dr. G medical Examiner, Forensic Files, Snapped, Good Eats
Anything to do with teeth
Oddly, this is one of the easiest questions to answer. I have two, my grandpa Bryan - one of the most influencial people in my life I would have to say. I've admired him since I was a little girl listening to him tell me war stories, showing me pictures and everything he did in WW2. Second but not in any way less of a hero to me - Jessica Cawvey, my roomate in Iraq that went out on my first mission with me because I was scared only to be killed, she saved my life and was one of the strongest women and greatest mothers I've ever met. my number 2 <img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j293/andweabwyan /heroi.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting