I'm the happiest luckiest girl in the world!!! My friends and family mean the world to me and I would do absolutely anything in my power for them. I traveled alot when I was younger and have seen many places. My motto that I always try to go by is Live, Laugh, and Love, So far its working. I am a different person from what I used to be and am currently trying my hardest to be the best person I can be. I can already see a difference in myself. Although I have a long way to go, I feel I am finally in a place where I am not judged and can make my mistakes, learn from them and cultivate my body, mind and spirit. I also enjoy spanish food/culture, chinese philosphy/culture, sports,reading,Egyptian culture, Italian culture,forensic science, and a list of other things in my "interests" section. I am trying to surround myself with nothing but positive influences in my life. I CHOOSE nothing less. Oh, and I still love to watch cartoons on saturday mornings!
♥I love pink purple and black
♥I'm too hard on myself and tend to think way too much
♥ I'm a flip flop kinda girl
♥ I would sleep until 2pm everyday if I could
♥ I'm quite the people person
♥ I'm impatient
♥ I hog the covers and sleep like a rock
♥ We could go on forever about politics but when enough is enough, we MUST learn to accept others views and change the subject
♥ I HATE animal cruelty
I have learned people will either love you or hate you. Either way, its their problem. Your opinion is neither desired nor required! Don't judge a book by it's cover, take the time to read it first.
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