Amateur surgery plus some day soon I will actually get around to writing something profound.
Someone with a birth defect/radioactive spit
My Space Backgrounds
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Anything with a banjo Ricky Gervais' "Don't Die Like Princess Di" song - epitomises true romance
The Pianist, Life is a Miracle (Eastern European cinema IS good), Goodbye Lenin, Supersize me, Casablanca (just for the "here's looking at you, kid"), The Terminal, Seven Year Itch, This is Spinal Tap, When Harry Met Sally PLUS anything with violence, nudity, drugs, political incorrectness
Simpsons, CSI, Boston Legal,ANTM,OC, Neighbours(please don't judge me), again, anything with a banjo
The Very Hungry Catterpillar, Catcher in the Rye, 1984, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Catch 22, Room at the Top,Don Quixote, Blink, History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, England,England, The Lemon Table, Before She Met Me, Middlesex (Very weird), Platform, Heart of Darkness, The Wisdom of Crowds, anything Haruki Murakami, Master and Margarita, liking Byron, planning on reading Bell Jar, Room of One's Own, Animal Farm, Mrs Dalloway, Lord of the Flies etc
People with gigantic toes - how do they manage to find shoes????!!!!??? Life is one constant struggle...