eeRmzz....i tRy to be a gooD peRson buT, i doNt knOw hOw to bE Like that beCoz....soMetimes,i'M aLso a naugTy persOn Lorr, hahakz! i'm a muSic LoveR suCh as jaZZ, rOckz, bLues, metaL buT, i preffered moDern ReggaE muSic...:)i Like footbaLL, fuTsaL, moVies, jaMMings, haNg ouTz aNd suRfing tHe neT. If yoU waNna be mY fRenz, maKe suRe that yoU aRe reaLLy honest aNd uNderstandiNg pErson. if U aRe not that kiNd of perSon, Then u caN gO To heLL!!!!! jusT kiDDingzz, hahahakz:)
My Interests
manChecTer uNiteD....
gLory gLory m.U...haha!
kuNgfu hustLe...
shoaLin soCCer...
yOung & DanGerous...
byk Lagi La....hehe!