Anyone who is off beat, likes to have fun, enjoys theatre, film, humor, art, museums .... anyone who cried during The Lion , The Witch and the Wardrobe are an automatic in. If you didn't.. you must promise to cry when Prince Caspian comes out. If you like a bit of green chartreuse.. you're ok by me. If your second cousin's third wife's nineth child's one armed GI Joe has inverted knees... you get extra kudos. Just because these are my rules and I say so. Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Haters not tolerated here. I've nearly been killed with all the times someone has told me something "in love".. when nothing they tell me is remotely connected to anything in 1 Corinthians 13. I like artsy.. but not arrogant people. Faith, race, sexual preference,mayo or miracle whip, Bud Light or Guiness... .. all are welcome here. If you prefer junking at thrift stores to shopping at Macy's, I may want to marry you... but I won't.. I don't date... so don't ask me on a date to Goodwill. If for some completely inexplicable reason you think I'm "HOT" and want to "get with me" PLEASE do not request an add.... here for friends only...AND please don't take offense if I don't add you. I only add people I feel I genuinely have something in common with. I do not collect friends. I do insist that the people I add speak tolerably good english and are moderately intelligent and good conversationalists... though there have been exceptions. All Donations received through this link go to Rosie and Family as they fight her battle with brain cancer together.