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About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorI teach Maths.I rock out.I live for music.I will return in another life as something feline.I always celebrate the Random.

My Interests

Maths, Music, Swimming, Reading, Vodka, Men, Dancing, Gigs, Festivals


Rock, Grunge, Metal, EBM, Goth, Mashup... basically anything ear-splittingly pounding or dark, clever and beautiful.


Fight Club, The Matrix Trilogy, Closer, Cruel Intentions, Sin City, Memento, Wild Things, The Devil's Advocate, Interview With A Vampire... basically anything clever, twisted or sexy.


Don't have time for it.Maybe the news, the Simpsons or Friends over dinner.


Anything by Dan Simmons, Margaret Atwood, Douglas Adams, Poppy Z. Brite, Iain M. Banks, Ian McEwan, Luke Rhinehart, Thomas Harris, so again: dark, clever, twisted.


Don't need 'em. My fine self is the only example I will follow.