Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution TriloGy, the magnificent Manchester United, anything about Stadium Structure N design, Bart Simpson wkakakakkakak...drink football sleep f
DeFToNeS, BLiNK 182, GReeN DaY, CaRBuReToR DuNG, BLuR, THe STRoKe, PiNK FLoYD, iNCuBuS, RaDioHeaD, KoRN, PeaRL JaM, JoHN MiSTReSS, NaKeD BReeD, LoVe Me BuTCH, NiCe STuPiD PLaYGRouND, TRuST CoMPaNY, R.a.T.M, DiSTuRBeD, S.o.a.D, BioHaZaRD, oaSiS., ..and...B /b
10 tHiNgs i HaTe bOuT u, cLuELeSs, cAn't haRdLy waiT, eMpiRe RecoRd, SaVe tHe LaSt DaNcE, LotR /b
The Simpsons, Futurama, Friends, Scrubs, CSI, Senario, who line it anyway, Drew carey show, X-play, everybody love raymond, MTV Punk`d, apo² jelah /b
KnigHt oF sHiNing ArMoUr, a cHiLd caLLeD iT, cHicKeN sOuP foR teEnaGe soUL, hiS bRigHt LighT uRmMs moStLy wRiTteN DanieLLe sTeEL~ /b