making out, the film "Cool As Ice", comic books, other stuff
This song is a remix the original song was produced because a man whom had a very close friend hurt his feelings by calling him ugly. the song became extremely popular hence the remix was born. The remix basically has the same elements as the first but also added hurt from rejection by Asian women.
the clash, turbonegro, lunchmeat, at the drive-in, de la soul, ODB (RIP), elliott smith, RFTC, roky erickson, otis redding, lunchmeat, anagram, rancid, THE QUEEN HATERS, wolf parade, the smiths, biggie
wet hot american summer, bad santa, funny games, lawn dogs, rushmore, the royal tannenbaums, the life aquatic with steve zissou, donnie darko, fight club, anchorman
race war survivor, freaks and geeks, arrested development, dateline nbc (only when they bust internet "predators")
the film novelization of Cool As Ice
Norm MacDonald, The Queen Haters, Chris Hanson from Dateline NBC