aBoUT ME? im katrina *aka* kitty. im 16 and a junior and i I am 69% Promiscuous.
.. I like sex and have a healthy sex life. I get just enough and know how to use my sexuality. Some people might have a problem, but that is their problem not mine. They just need to get more. Take the
Promiscuous Test
@ FualiDotCom
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MySpace Layouts
I am 59% Emo.
.. Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater. Take the
Emo Test
@ FualiDotCom
You Are Midnight
You are more than a little eccentric, and you're apt to keep very unusual habits.
Whether you're a nightowl, living in a commune, or taking a vow of silence - you like to experiment with your lifestyle.
Expressing your individuality is important to you, and you often lie awake in bed thinking about the world and your place in it.
You enjoy staying home, but that doesn't mean you're a hermit. You also appreciate quality time with family and close friends.
What Time Of Day Are You?
You Are 52% Happy
You're definitely a happy person, even though you have your down moments.
You tend to get the most out of life, though there's always some more happiness to be squeezed.
How Happy Are You?
Your Lucky Underwear is Blue
You are caring and extroverted. You've made relationships your number one focus, and your lucky blue underwear can bring some balance to them.
You thrive in one-on-one situations. You are a good listener and a natural born therapist.
Sometimes you let the concerns of others become too important in your life, leading to stress and worry.
If you want more balance, put on your blue underpants. They'll help you take care of yourself first.
What Color Is Your Lucky Underwear?
Your Lust Quotient: 65%
You are a very lustful person - and it sometimes gets the better of you!
You know how to hold back, but you hardly ever do.
How Much Lust Do You Have?
You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble
What Kind of Kisser Are You?