Computers, music, books, peace, drugs, life, psychology, philosophy, mycology, tea, pizza, art, watercolor, Nag Champa, cloudy days, rain, dust storms, snuggling, comfy beds, fire, creativity, people who are real, helping, hiking, California, variety, metaphysics, being nice, cinder blocks, 60s [counter]culture, super cool shoes, rubik's cube, odd hats, programming, enjoying life, deserts, forests, Linux, ink, poetry, interesting clothing, being barefoot, laying around doing nothing and being perfectly content with it, staying up late, deep conversations, liberalism, passifism, culture, eastern religions, movies, good food, eccentricity, hanging out, doing stuff with friends, nature, 90s music, grunge, happiness
I think, that I would like to meet you. =0)
I like a pretty wide variety of muzackk.
I read a lot...and I have a lot of favorites. But, I don't know that you really care what they are. =0)