I love love love to dance. hit me up anytime to go to a club or to dance in the street and i am there without hesitation. workingout is another hobbie of mine..if i am not working at the Ranch, i am eating, dancing or working out. i am a pretty chill person. i can be spaztic, but it depends on who i am with. i just like to have a good time...enjoy the small pleasures in life. the big things are nice too, like trips, cars, money..but the best is laughing at a goofy friend or starring at someone you care about. that is me in a nutshell... i will add to this soon.
HOT HOT HOT!!! Amazing actors are not the only people that are on my wish list to meet. I want to get to know people who love people. Besides dancing, finding out who people are is my favorite thing to do. There is no greater pleasure than knowing someone confided in me , found me interesting, or fun. I want to meet people who have a free spirit, carefree attitude (but responsible at the same time). Someone who can talk for hours about whatever and still want to hangout the next day...lol...someone who stops and smells the roses. someone who looks into my eyes and sees more than just fake green contacts. i want to meet someone who is willing, that is just it... willing. They need to want to understand me, and they may not agree but is okay with saying "i like you despite that". someone who loves big,crazy italian families that are louder than a bunch of gorillas fighting over who gets to fling the poo. oooh i am serious...incase it is not clear, i want to meet someone who can be deep, fun, affectionate and open-minded. know anyone? are you that person? HIT ME UP!!"http://photobucket.com" target="_blank" %D%A%D%A me and my friend aaron at the beach%D%A%D%A me and my bro...i am tyring to get all the gas out at this point..=)%D%A me at cesars palace%D%A
me me me all about me
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my heros are those who give and give and give and then give some more: my family. i have been blessed with the best parents and brothers that anyone can hope for. my family is my rock. i am nothing without them, and because of them i am somebody. i have no boundries, they guide me, pick me up when i fall and they act as a rock for me to lean and cry on. God has definately blessed me.