BORNHOLM profile picture


About Me

The band was founded in march 2000 with three members: Melkor-drums, Mordran-bass, Astaroth-guitar.In June 2001 we went to studio, and recorded the "Awakening..." demo with Vlad. After the recordings, the band left 4 members, and Astaroth and Vlad wrote the "...On The Way..." album. All the guitars and basses played by Astaroth,the keyboards by a session musician, Robert Kasza.The second track on the album (..On The Way Of The Hunting Moon) released on the Sound Riot Records's "Metal Ostentation" compilation CD in 2004. After a few months, we found the Melancholia Records from France, and the album has released in official form. In the summer of 2004 we recorded our first videoclip for the song "Acheron" with a hungarian film maker group.In september we played a gig with Arcturus, and after the showthe drummer and the second guitarist left the band. In winter we found a permanent bass player (Saterion), a keyboard player (Immoralist), and our first drummer (Melkor) returned to the band.
In 2005 we played with Enslaved on their European tour, and with Mayhem in December. This year our drummer (Melkor) left the band, we are working with a session drummer on our next album ("March For Glory And Revenge").2007 is the year of some other change in the band, after a lot of years Vlad left the band and Thorgor arrived as vocalist and Vozargh arrived as permanent guitarist - now Bornholm is stronger than ever.
Awakening Of The Ancient Ones 2001
...On The Way Of The Hunting Moon 2005
Awakening.../...On The Way Of... split 2006
March For Glory And Revenge - SOON

My Interests


Member Since: 2/12/2006
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Record Label: VIC Records
Type of Label: Indie

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