1. I am trying to help the environment; driving a hybrid.
2. I think I drink too much, but I only do to make YOU more fun.
3. I can surf, but almost died, so I don't.
4. I like going on random trips. If I can stand you for more than a weekend, you will receive a text.
5. I laugh way too much, maybe because I'm drinking most of the time and you seem funny.
6. I try to do a bike ride from PB to MB weekly (but usually get distracted by bars).
7. I want to go back to Oxford, I miss that place.
8. I will NOT let you win at any sport, cause I usually kick some major ass.
9. I am probably the only person in the world that likes the Mariners, that isn't from Seattle.
10. I can sit at home and do nothing and be perfectly happy.