As far as friendships go. I surround myself with good loyal, compassionate friends. Friends that have not only unconditional love for me and will be there to laugh and share in all the goof times that life brings. But be there as well to pick me up when I fall. To cry with me, when sadness occurs. As well as to be there when I need some tough love. In closing, I would say that loyalty & honesty are the most important things to me. And that's probably the case, cause you would be hard to find a more loyal & honest friend than me. As for relationships. A best friend. Again, someone honest & loyal. Funny. Sense of humor is very important to me. A person who doesn't take themselves serious. Enjoys being silly. Personal growth. Someone that's always looking to grow as a person and be the best human being they can be. As well as someone that takes care of there body and enjoys hitting the gym and won't let themselves go just case they're in a relationship and is motivated to look good for me. Someone at least striving to be and look there best for me. Are we going to always achieve this level of perfection? Of course not, but at least being sincere with your desires to give your partner your best, in body,mind and soul is really important to me. Things that are stereotypical in relationships are of extreme annoyance to me. I prefer to define my relationship, how my partner and I decide to define it, for him and I. And not be based on typical relationship stereotypes. Oh yeah and kids! I want children. I want to start a family. Well there you have it. Not asking for much am I? Yeah, well I guess that's why I'm still single. :) No worries though, I rather remain single than settle for anything less than what I deserve.