FAUL profile picture


Silesian Most Hated Band

About Me

In English:
Our history is pretty short :) In the old line-up (Taras, Wojtas, Cham) we had played since summer vacation 2005. Earlier, boys (Taras & Wojtas) had played for some time together; they had a lot of good ideas, but they couldn't find a bass player. In June 2005 they met Cham (bass, ex-Defence) and asked him if he wanted to join the band. He said OK and thus changed FAUL's history forever :D lol! After some time we were ready to play together.
It was a good time, we`ve played some concerts and recorded one song for the compilation "POLSKA GOLA" (Olifant Records, www.olifant.com.pl). You can check the track`s samples at www.polskagola.com. For those who don`t know Polish: our song "Polska" is about Polish national football team at World Championship 2006 in Germany. But don`t you dare to think we are cheerleaders! :D We lost, but it doesnt matter. Maybe next time :)
In September 2006 Cham decided to leave the band for some time, but that didn`t leave us without a bass player. He spent his whole free time during summer vacation to teach our good friend Amra to play our songs; and he promised to come back, too. Now he supports us as a backing vocal, webmaster and a graphic designer.
He will never be forgotten. We thank You for everything You`ve done for the band.
- Our first album sees the daylight. English title: Nobody`s playin fair-play... - not much of a response from the public. But we`r satisfied.
We recorded a track for a new compilation tribute album but we can`t tell U what`s all about...
Time will tell...
2008 - Maybe another studio album with some more Disco Dance Pop hits but nobody knows what it`s gonna be. Of course if someone will be interested in inviting us for a good show we shall consider his invitation...Amra out... That`s all folks ( 2 B continued )
Po Naszymu:
"THE PAST" W poprzednim skladzie Taras vocal/gitara (ex Atak Plesni, Awaria) Wojtek gary Cham vocal/bass (ex Defence) gramy od wakacji 2005. Wczesniej chlopaki pogrywali razem troche, robiac kilka numerow, po jakims czasie stwierdzajac, ze potrzeba w koncu basu. Zjawia sie Cham (ex basista supergrupy Defence) i ruszamy pe--na para. Zagralismy dotychczas kilka koncertow i tak naprawde nie mielismy okazji szerzej sie zaprezentowac.
W ostatnim czasie nastapila dosyc nieoczekiwana zmiana, zespol opuszcza Cham. Na temat powodow nikt nie bedzie sie rozwodzil wiec "who cares"!. Na swoje miejsce w zespole przygotowuje naszego dobrego kumpla Amre.
Cham - dzieki za wszystko co zrobiles dla Faula i nikt o tym nigdy nie zapomni.
2007 - Nasz pierwszy album ujrzal swiatlo dzienne "Nikt nie gra fair-play" nie odbila sie echem na listach przebojow ale my jestesmy zadowoleni.
Nagralismy kawa--eczek na pewna skladanke, o której niestety niewiele jeszcze mozemy napisac. Zadnych szczegolow nie podamy :D.
2008 - Moze uda nam sie nagrac kolejny goracy album z hitami pokroju Disco Dance i Pop ale nikt nie wie jak to bedzie. Oczywiscie jak nas ktos zaprosi na jakis fajny koncercik to raczej nie odmowimy mozliwosci zniechecenia do siebie kogokolwiek.
Na razie to tyle... ( ciag dalszy nastapi (Wam na odcisk))

My Interests


Member Since: 2/12/2006
Band Website: faul.prv.pl
Band Members:

Taras - guitar/vocals

Wojtas - drums

Amra - bass
ex members

Cham - ex bass/vocals/admin/graphics

Influences: Oi!/streetpunk, hardcore, rock `n` roll, Heavy Metal, Oi!o Polo :D
Sounds Like:


und so weite und so weite

Record Label: www.olifant.com.pl
Type of Label: Indie