noey! HA! (Nina Ur Bipolar!) profile picture

noey! HA! (Nina Ur Bipolar!)

Im leaving all my problems here in Dallas, so that means dont think about work dont think about shit

About Me

My real names Adrian but you can call me Noey
17 Years Young
Live In Dallas,TX
Im A Goofy,Friendly, Playful Person
And Really Random At Times
Love To Chill, Have A Good Time and Party
Friends Mean ALOT 2 Me,Ill Do ANYTHING For My Hommies
If You Need Me, Ill Be There
Even If You Dont Know Me, Ill Still Listen :)
If You Backstabb me, Its Gonna Come Back On You
I Think My Main Weakness Is That I Care 2 Much...
Any Questions? :)
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(dont worry i always respond)
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The Ultimate About You Survey
What is your name?: Adrian Noel Pineda
How old are you?: 17
What is your favourite colour?: Lite Blue
What is your favourite beverage?: Sprite
What is your favourite food?: My Gramas Cookin :)
What is your favourite song at the moment?: Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5
What is the name of your first love?: Ha!! fuck love!! ill find it later on in life
What is the last movie you saw in a cinema?: Hmmm not sure...its been awhile
When was the last time you laughed?: Like 5 minutes ago
When was the last time you cried?: At My Grampas Funeral
When was the last time you were drunk?: I Dont Drink ;)
If you could be any animal, what would it be?: A bird so i can jus fly away from all the bullshit
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?: Hehehehe!!!!!
Who is the last person who broke your heart?: Never got it broken
Who is the last person you broke the heart of?: idk if i broke her heart
Have you ever cheated on someone you love?: NEVER!!! I FUCKIN HATE CHEATERS!!!!
Have you ever been cheated on?: hell who knows....
Where was the last holiday you took?: Chicago
Where would you like to go for a holiday next?: Rio De Janero, Brazil
If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?: Playfull or Freaky ;)
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: I Fall A Little 2 Fast
What is your life long goal?: To Make Something Of My Life
Do you believe in fate?: Yea Why Not
What is your biggest regret?: I Dont Want 2 Say
What is your biggest fear?: Losing Any Of My True Friends
What is your biggest weakness?: Cute Gurls and Tounge Rings
What makes you happy?: My True Friends
What makes you sad?: Losing A Friend Or Family Member
What makes you angry?: Stupid People That Do Nothing With Their Lifes
What makes you laugh?: Once Again My True Friends, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Who is the last person you kissed?: ......
Who is the last person who made you cry?: My Grampa Profe When He Left 2 Heaven
This or That?
Personality or Looks?: Looks Are Only Skin Deep, Personality Goes A Long Way To Me
Wealth or Love?: With Love who needs Wealth
Beach or Forest?: Me Likey The Beach
Winter or Summer?: I Love The Heat :)
Night or Day?: Night is where all the fun is
Friends or Family?: Cant Live Without Both
Religion or Evolution?: Im Not A Really Religious Person
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My Interests

Pic Of The Week!!
(Its Gonna Change Every Monday :)

leave the mouse over the pic for about 3 seconds 2 see the title of the pic :)

I'd like to meet:

Anyone :) Besides Haters Girls Lookin For A Playful Boyfriend ;) People that like 2 have fun and party


I'll listen to anything except for country and that crap that goes BOM BOM BOM BOM(u know taco hat shit ]=) FUCK THAT SHIT!!!


Ill Watch Anything as long as there some action, something that goes BOOM, and a movie where ppl say FUCK YOU!!! like 200 times :) I love war movies cuz for some reason they get my pumped up. im sorry ladies but i really cant sit through a chic flic without fallin asleep after the first 10 minutes


Well due 2 work, school, and a busy ass schedule i really dont have time 2 watch tv but those few times i do get a chance i watch Comedy Central, Spike, Adult Swim, Discovery Chanel, Animal Planet, and if im REALLY lucky ill catch the Simpsons or Family Guy :D


I like to read but i dont read for enjoyment/boredom
Only time i read the most is at school

Plus Im 2 Busy "Workin" 2 Read :)


2 Start off this man is the biggest hero in my life. This is Arturo Pineda,my grandfather on my moms side,i LOVE him with all my heart because he has alway been there for me and i always had someone to talk 2 when life got me down and the lessions in life ive learned from him i'll never forget. I Nearly lost him 3 years ago but I THANK GOD everyday that he didnt take him from me so i jus want 2 say Love You PopSo Heres My Grama, This Is My Dads Mom and she is the sweetest lady you will ever meet. She Was Always there for me also and what makes her so increadable is she could have nothing and still help you with somethingNext Is My Momma!!!!Ima Mommas boy only cuz ive lived with her my whole life(Things Didnt work out wit daddy)I Thank her for bringing me 2 this world and for being the best Mom :) but there are those moments where im like "I Dont Know Her" but im never ashamed 2 call her my momNow Its My Dads Turn(Hes On The Very Right), He Wasnt There In the Begining Of My Life(or i just dont remember him being) but hes here now and im very glad he is. My Dad Can Be A Lil Thick Headed At Sometimes but i know he means well and hes fun 2 be around and 2 work with and thanks 2 him ive learned alot of things that will help me out later in lifeFinally Im A Hero Myself, Im A Hero 2 My Sister Savannah, she always talks about me and misses me(she doesnt live with me) and loves 2 spend time with me and i do to but she does get annoying but still love that lil brat :)