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A.K.A Rose DuBloome (Alter Ego)

About Me

ADRIANNA COSTELLO: SINGING FROM THE HEARTIn a crowded room where a voice reminiscent of a young but old soul can clearly be heard above the chatter and clinking of glasses, Adrianna Costello stands alone on a stage with her live band as the backdrop. Visible through the spotlight that meets her glowing skin her voice sends shivers to the audience as one by one they stop to pay attention. Captivated by her strong voice and sensuous moves Adrianna is here to perform and that’s exactly what she will do tonight.Like a moth to a flame, singer Adrianna Costello was drawn to ballads over music. Born in Jacksonville, Florida, her talent for singing was recognized rather early at the age of three. Who knew all that bottled up energy and larger than life voice would propel her to a career in music and a place in the spotlight. Honing her talent and guiding her growing voice was none other then her aunt, a performing arts company owner and director who saw the child prodigy as music in its purest form. Having opened for industry legends Bobby Womack, Neil Carter, and Boyz II Men all before her teenage years, this songstress continues to prove she is far more than meets the eye.Inspired by Aretha Franklin, vintage Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, Regina Bell and other strong-voiced singers, Adrianna looks to impact the whole music industry and not just one genre. Able to work in ballads, find the rhythm in Pop, and belt out the best in R&B, she is a singer without boundaries and has the multifaceted voice to prove it.Since moving to Atlanta, Georgia less than two years ago, after recognizing the growing trend for music, Adrianna has worked hard to build her contacts, presence and network. Catching the eye of notable producers and music industry executives, her steps towards industry dominance are fine-tuned and hers for the taking. With long-term goals that include becoming one of the greatest voices to ever be heard, she is intent on turning out more than just good music.“I want my music to ultimately be enjoyed for years to come,” states Adrianna. “I don’t want to make just good music, I want it to be forever music. When you hear music from Anita Baker, Patti Label, or Aretha Franklin it is as relevant today as it was 15 years ago and it just continues to grow in reach and in meaning. That’s how I want my music to be…timeless.”
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Adrianna wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the May 8 BCE at Copeland's album

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Anybody and Everybody who is about making things happen and Nobody whom procrastinates.




Last year was great, I made a lot of new contacts and friends. I also learned to alot about myself as a individual and about life itself. I also learned that friendships are very vital and supplemental to life. I dont know where I would be today if it was not for the people who are in my life and the people whose seasons have passed. I hope this year I can continue to meet new people, sustain those who remain, and maybe rekindle some that have slipped away. I also learned that perserverance is key, and as long as you believe that you can achieve anything. No one can shake you of your destiny, because what is for you is only for you. I always live my life in confidence that I can do or be whatever I want, because only person to stop me is me. I know this can sound a little corny or like some self-empowerment book,but yet these statements are true to life. If you apply the notion that you are in control and no one else and stay focused, trust me you will see this come to pass. This year I challenge everyone to let go of fear and come out of there comfort zones. This is also a work in progress for myself, but only if I could explain how making this change has drastically helped my life. This could very well be the one thing that can change yours too!


"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, "SHINE" by Larry A. Thompson. "The seven spiritual laws of success" by Deepak Chopra, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles, "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel, "Fabulosity" by Kimmora Lee Simmons. Miracle of Fasting by Paul Brags ( I am a health nut by the way, I dont believe in putting on your body cannot digest without harm).



My Blog

My Life!

Last year was great, I made a lot of new contacts and friends. I also learned to alot about myself as a individual and about life itself. I also learned that friendships are very vital and supplementa...
Posted by Adrianna on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 09:29:00 PST