Hey ya'll. As some of you know, and for those who aren't familiar, my name is Timo "Kohiack" Patrick Arnaldo. My personality is best described as being loving, affectionate, gentle, sweet, calm, Randomly funny, unorthodox, spiritual, a little philisophical, highly patient (basically the caring type) and I'm a complete music fanatic. And I'm very easy to get along with. I currently use AIM (Ask me for my username) and Skype (Username: Silver-wind-spirit). Hit me up.
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_____________________Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening credits: Paint The Sky by John Two-Hawks
Waking up: The Narcotic Suite: 3 Kilos by Prodigy
Average day: The Narcotic Suite: Skyline by Prodigy
First date: 1000 words from the final fantasy soundtrack
Falling in love: What's Simple Is True by Jewel
Love scene: Nothing In The World by Atomic Kitten
Fight scene: Invincible by Game Insane
Breaking up: How by Natalise
Getting back together: Absence Of Fear by Jewel
Secret love: My Memory by Winter Sonata
Life's okay: Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing by Sarah Groves
Mental breakdown: Follow me by Pain
Driving: Their Law by Prodigy
Learning a lesson: Beyond The Mist by John Two-Hawks
Deep thought: Wind Crest from the final fantasy soundtrack
Flashback: Rattlesnake by Live
Partying: Kaiki Peliin by Fintelligens
Happy dance: Maria Maria by Santana
Regreting: November Rain by Kingfisher Sky
Long night alone: Scarborough Fair by Amy Nuttal
Death scene: Ice Queen by Within Temptation
Closing credits: It's My Life By Bon Jovi
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