im into leaving the oven on and cooing things, i like lasagne. once half my face was parralised from bells pausey, and all my friends made me say words like lasagne and potato because i couldnt move half of my mouth, but im 100% better now, still like lasagne, i play in a band and run an art gallery of sorts in redfern, im always looking for artist who need a place to exhibit, i often have large parties.
my toe and finger nails are ...clean, and i scrub behind my ears, and floss my teeth, i rarely tiptoe unless im singing, nor do i stomp or clumsily tread atop cleft feet. i dont dream of rainbows but could if i wanted. one day i will dress up like a giant leprachaun and people will say, "oh my matthew, your wearing all green today....." whaaaaaa?border-style:dashed;
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