I am amandarayne
I'm a lover of this earth. i'm probably the most outgoing nerd you'll ever meet [: my ears are stretched to 3/4ths of an inch, and my septum is pierced. I'm super short, don't make fun of me. i'm very polite. i'm just one of the guys, and haven't figured out if that's a good thing. I'm a peace loving, no shoe wearing, tree hugging hippie. I like talking on the phone, so call me [: I'm a lover not a fighter, but I do fight for what i believe. i am very big on respect, I will listen to anything you have to say, even if I do not agree with it. I'm a very nice person and will get along with most people just fine. But I do have a opinion and I will express it. i do not judge people. i don't wear makeup, because i don't think i need it. I quote movies for no apparent reason.
I a m J u s t a n o t h e r s t r a i g h t g i r l f o r g a y r i g h t s
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