There's too many to even name. The normal things any 21 year old girl would love to do I guess.... drink, party, hang with friends, meet new people, swim, FISH, camping, driving around with my girls. My number one interest right now though would have to be my job... I love being a hairstylist! Background By Pwn Myspace
I'm looking to meet anybody. I've already met my boyfriend and we're very happy... so I would just like to chat with people on here I already know!
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Country, R&B, Rock, Rap, anything is good to me if it has a good beat and meaning behind it. Every song I hear reminds me of something or someone. Background By Pwn Myspace
I love love love to laugh, so comedy, but again I don't have any favorite movies in general, the list would go on.
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Don't really have too much time for it, but when I do, I love to watch CSI Vegas style and House with my dad! Background By Pwn Myspace
Don't really get around to reading too much, maybe I should start though.... nah! :) Background By Pwn Myspace
The only heroes in my life right now are my parents. They can rescue me from anything!
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