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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm a regular guy from MA, transplanted into NH. Illustration is my greatest skill, aside from being adorable. I have drawn several webcomics, including Entertaindome and I HEART Disappointment, and am currently working on Deadtective: Paranormal Investigation, an independent videogame with my friend Razlo. I have a love of cartooning, comics, animation, Japanese entertaiment, rock music, and film. I drown in geek culture, but still believe in showering regularly. I fight crime nightly as a Power Ranger-style superhero, but only in my imagination.More friends would be lovely, but if you would like me to add you, please leave me a message with your friend request. If you don't, I'm going to just assume you didn't read my profile at all, and if you didn't take the time to do that, then you're probably a spambot or something. So no message, no friend, ok? Have a beautiful time!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My favorite game developer Hideo Kojima, my grandfather back in his magician days, and Abe Lincoln, because, after all, he's motherfucking ABE LINCOLN.

My Blog

Gil on Twitter

I'm on Twitter. Follow me if you'd like!
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 11:33:00 GMT

Break Room Art 3

A gothic lolita style pic I did on my morning break, while snacking on a day-old doughnut and fruit snacks (with 100% of your daily value of Vitamin C!). Probably inspired by the music video I watched...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 13:46:00 GMT

Break Room Art 2

Today's Break Room Art is Ryu from Street Fighter. I've got Street Figher 4 on my brain right now. I'm so excited for it. Ryu's not my favorite character (that honor is a three way split between Dan, ...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Feb 2009 16:56:00 GMT

Break Room Art 2/4/09

Hey everyone. In case you didn't know, I hate my job. It's a soul-sucking, life-draining, brain-cell-killing pit of mediocrity. So I take whatever few moments I have in the day and try to salvage a bi...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 16:10:00 GMT

Break Room Art 4

Today's piece of Break Room Art is inspired by the work of Go Nagai, Japanese anime legend and creator of Devilman, Cutie Honey, Mazinger Z, and many more classic shows.
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 22:17:00 GMT

Sick of Fake MySpace Friends

Alright, for here on out, if you want me to add you to my friends, send me a message along with the request. Don't leave me one, not adding. Plain and simple. Sick of trying to figure out who's real a...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Jan 2009 15:06:00 GMT

First Deadtective Screenshot!

Want to see a glimpse of what Razlo and I've been working on since IHD went on hold? We've posted online the first screenshot from Deadtective: Paranormal Investigation on my deviantart page. CLI...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:01:00 GMT

A Warning to Movie Theater Talkers...

Hey, you, person who insists on talking throughout a movie other people have paid their hard earned money too see, shut up or you might get shot.
Posted by on Sun, 28 Dec 2008 02:16:00 GMT

New Messages?

Myspace keeps telling me I have new messages every other day, yet I never have any. Either something's wrong or myspace is just picking on me. If so, stop it.
Posted by on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 14:41:00 GMT

Best Christmas Ornaments EVER.

My late grandma gave these to me as a gift when I was really little. What a wonderful lady she was, though she was completely oblivious to the true wonder she bestowed upon me. They have been making...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 01:06:00 GMT