A true story...
One day, while basking in the sun in the French Riviera, a meteor fell from the sky and hit Burn in the head. Then all of a sudden, everything went white...
In Madrid, a co-stripper named Sabz told Burn the story of the great Bukakee. And they became obssesed with it all. In order to keep their sanity, they chose four stars in the sky named Ego-licious, Jam-i-am, Anal Log and Triste-13 from a boarding school in Liverpool. These six ladies met at a nymph rehab, while trying to steal the same Percocet. They bought vintage sunglasses at a hardware store with bifocal lenses and tried to walk the streets of Rome with no succ-sex. They came upon a magic machine, which they called "the synth", and so the story of these cum-soaked ladies began.