I LOVE acting :)
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Any music that can turn into this:
OR this:
The Labryinth (What a classic. David Bowie in those tight pants? Yeow!), Moulin Rouge (I'm a sucker for movies when they live unhappily ever after lol), The Fifth Element, Edward Scissorhands (Johnny is hot even as mutant scissor boy. Gotta love that!), Closer (Way crazy right? Still don't understand it to this day...), Napoleon Dynamite (How can you not love this movie. I'll be qouting it till I die), Donnie Darko (so syco yet so hot), Rocky Horror Picture Show (Let's do the Time Warp!haha) and anything involving horror! I'm a sucker for horror movies, they scare the shit out of me but I love that feeling in my stomach when I'm super scared!!!!
Mostly music videos I guess. I LOVE GIRLS NEXT DOOR!!!! also once in awhile I find a show I'm into like Dr. 90210, Scrubs, Malcolm in the Middle and CSI.
You gotta love those books by Phillip Pullman ( I think thats his name). The Subtle Knife was my favorite of them. I'm a big gossip magazine fan to. Don't ask me why just am. And then sadly enough I own like a million of the Sudoku books. They're sooo addictive!
My Mom :)