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About Me

"Well behaved women rarely make history"
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We're besties. Wifey's
Best beer pong partner I could ask for hehe My awesome twosome. I me and my fave bitch that lives across america! My Roomie and lover


My Interests

I LOVE acting :)

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Cute Quotes at


Any music that can turn into this: OR this:


The Labryinth (What a classic. David Bowie in those tight pants? Yeow!), Moulin Rouge (I'm a sucker for movies when they live unhappily ever after lol), The Fifth Element, Edward Scissorhands (Johnny is hot even as mutant scissor boy. Gotta love that!), Closer (Way crazy right? Still don't understand it to this day...), Napoleon Dynamite (How can you not love this movie. I'll be qouting it till I die), Donnie Darko (so syco yet so hot), Rocky Horror Picture Show (Let's do the Time Warp!haha) and anything involving horror! I'm a sucker for horror movies, they scare the shit out of me but I love that feeling in my stomach when I'm super scared!!!!


Mostly music videos I guess. I LOVE GIRLS NEXT DOOR!!!! also once in awhile I find a show I'm into like Dr. 90210, Scrubs, Malcolm in the Middle and CSI.


You gotta love those books by Phillip Pullman ( I think thats his name). The Subtle Knife was my favorite of them. I'm a big gossip magazine fan to. Don't ask me why just am. And then sadly enough I own like a million of the Sudoku books. They're sooo addictive!


My Mom :)

My Blog

Sonny Bono

Posted by LaZzA on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 03:19:00 PST

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

My new life rulesNever again will I think I can change someone.My heart belongs to no one but me.I will not use AIM to get depressed or spy, its for my friends and my friends only.I will end it the qu...
Posted by LaZzA on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 10:12:00 PST

So SO sad but so so cute. VIVA NEW ZEALAND! save our kiwis!

Posted By:DonyGet this video and more at
Posted by LaZzA on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 12:42:00 PST

So MuCh to HatE.

This is my favorite monologue EVER. It comes from this awesome movie called the 25th Hour. Edward Norton is amazing. This write is amazing. Read for yourself.[Monty standing in the men's bathroom, tal...
Posted by LaZzA on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 06:49:00 PST

The Art of DeMotivation

JuSt FoR fUn. i found the funniest sight called despair.comits terrible but o so true lol...
Posted by LaZzA on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 02:03:00 PST

Saying Goodbye

ok guys here we go.So I leave New Zealand on Wednesday the 16th of August. I'm really sad about all of it. I've had such a super time since I've been back and its amazing to see that my friends are st...
Posted by LaZzA on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 07:23:00 PST