tough reads, brit rock, deep thoughts, anything unconventional and adventurous..
an anti-social but kind person, someone passionate, a brit rocker, thom yorke, chris martin, emir kusturica, johnny depp, lili taylor... a nonconformist. anyone who's interested to know me more...
british rock (always), bosnian music, classical, the oldies, jazz
arizona dream, end of the affair, biloxi blues, contact, white oleander, romeo and juliet (1968), arizona dream and end of the affair :)
arthur.. (God, i miss you.), discovery channel and nat'l geographic channel programs, the fairy tale program of my precious, i-channel. where the hell did you go?! you were my HERO!
end of the affair, wish you well, fairy tales.. classics..
graham greene, maurice bendrix, sarah miles, hans christian andersen, edgar allan poe, emir kusturica, johnny depp, henry david thoreau