super repus profile picture

super repus

Swamp Thang!!!

About Me

Layout by CoolChaser

Well...I think my picture says it all. I usually do not show my face. I keep it hidden under my white superhero mask, but I felt it is time to reveal myself (the last time I decided to "reveal" myself I got 6 months for indecent exposure). This is what you look like when you live in Po-dunk Florida. Yeah...I didn't always look this way. I used to look like I had some INTELLIGENCE. It starts off with the accent. Oh, yes...that wonderful southern hick-boy accent. Then comes the cap. Before you know it, you are aimlessly wondering around Walmart barefoot picking chicken out of your teeth trying to decide if you should go ahead and buy that 3 pack of underwear or wait until they get in some of the "value pack" 7 packs. But it does make for a good cover for my Superhero persona.

I had dreams once. Get some big degree...get an even bigger job. Be someone important and successful. Have a big family with a beautiful wife and be the envy of everyone in town. Now....if I get some smart-ass remark from some chick that thinks she is hotter than she really is and the only thing bigger then her bad attitude is her big ass, then I've pretty much had a good day. Nobody appreciates a superhero anymore. Especially the gas station attendants. Geez...walk in with a couple of rayguns wearing a mask and they get all paranoid. Can you say "profiling", hmmmm Apu? (By the way, your Slurpee machine needs filling).

I remember a time when things were not like this. I was a superstar. I carried the hopes of so many. .. I guess the world just doesn't need a bubbleheaded action hero anymore.

But I'm not down. Oh no. I know that my day will come again. When the world will be ready for a superhero. Someone to come save the day. I'll be ready.....I won't let you down again....(play superhero music here)

Dave Chappelle – Superheroes

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My Interests

OK...hopefully you can tell I'm a bit crazy LOL. So I like anything that is comedy. Also anything Florida Gators!!! (talk about SUPERHEROES!!!) I like hiking, basketball, football, stuff like that. But I also like just sitting on my fat can staring into space. I also like working on my rayguns (just don't have them pointing at your genitals while you are cleaning them...boy, I won't make THAT mistake again)

I'd like to meet:

George W Bush so I can punch him in the head.


Music is a passion of mine. But I am pretty diverse in what I like. I'm a rocker at heart, but I like the hip-hop and rap stuff too. And some country (just don't tell my friends lol....did I mention I live in Po-dunk Florida?)


Borat made me literally crap myself. But Happy Gilmore is the best movie ever made....period. Only thing is Adam Sandler stole my bit!!! I should sue.


Squidbillies is my favorite now (omg that show is so funny and Polk County), but basically anything on Comedy Central and cartoons. Really don't do a lot of TV though. Too busy trying to save the world...dee-dee-dee-deeeeeee!!!

Anyone keeping up with current events? Global warming or not...Republicans vs Democrats....Cost of gas...should gays be allowed to marry....religious strife....the's all a bit crazy...just like our cowboy President. Hey, but I shouldn't complain. It's people like W and Dick that keep Superheroes like me busy (lots of people to save when you have a weinie running the show)


Spend too much time reading text books and manuals for much else. Now if they only came out with books written in Po-dunk.....hmmm....


The National Champion Florida Gator Football and Basketball teams!!! (oh yeah....oh yeah!!!)Congrats to Tim Tebow...the 2007 He15man winner!!! Superman is for REAL!!!!

Hit City: Florida Gators Defense

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