My debut short story collection 'Fresh Apples' was published in 2005. The eleven stories included celebrate youth in all its mixed up glory. Mario Basini, writing for the Western Mail, said, 'The publication of this collection confirms the arrival of a major new literary talent, grown organically out of the unpromising valleys as flowers out of a bed of manure. At their best... they have the emotional power, the simplicity and directness of high quality art.' In October 2006, it won the EDS Dylan Thomas Prize.
My music documentary and travelogue about Merthyr band Midasuno was published in June 2007. 'Part reportage, social history and memoir, "Dial M for Merthyr" tells the story of a band from the wrong side of the tracks trying to stay afloat in an ever changing musical and social climate.'
I'm currently working on my second novel 'Sixteen Shades of Crazy' as well various pieces for radio.
'There are two Rachel Trezises. At least. There is the one we are all familiar with: a shy girl from Treorchy with an extraordinary writing talent and a bagful of literary prizes. And then there's the one who pissed on Robert De Niro's drive.' CFUK Magazine.
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