M$ Cynnabonz profile picture

M$ Cynnabonz

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About Me

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The coolest chic you will ever meet. I do speak my mind so don't ask my opinion if you don't want to hear the truth. I am very independent and everything I have I got on my own. I am a mother first and a friend second. The love of my life is my prince MYKAEL. Not looking for love for all of my love and time is invested in my son. Not looking for a man cause I don't need a man except to give me that good wood and that is it cause yall bitches be about them games and I don't get down like that. If I want to play games I will play with my 4yr old son. I have tried the love thing and it never works out so I gave up for a while. Right now it is just work, home, school (yes a chic is educated), and my son! I am open to having associates for I don't have many friends. I pick and choose very wisely. So after reading this you still trying to get at this chic then be a man and step to me correct cause I will check your ass if you don't! MUAH


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My Interests


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Writing Poetry from time to time, Singing, Dancing, LearNing something new, and anything Challenging. But if I have someone special in my life I like to have a Blockbuster night, Take walks in the park or by the waterfront, Go to the movies, Eat out, and anything else as long as that person is with me...


I'd like to meet:

Not on here to meet anyone to be honest. If it happens then it happens but this (Myspace) is just entertainment. I learned my lesson by dating a couple of men on here. Meet them online and you will lose him online. Not being mean but being real!


I LOVE SLOW MUSIC,Neo Soul, alittle Hip Hop, Reggae, and Soca (gotta keep it real with my roots).


Anything funny, chic flicks, and I am just now getting into scarey movies. But I love romantic movies for I am a romantic person.


I love Cartoons, my soaps, Boondocks, Girlfriends, anything black made.


Don't Sweat The Small Stuff And It's All Small Stuff.


My hero is my son Mykael for if he was never conceived and born I wouldn't be the strong, independent successful black woman I am today.

My Blog


I usually don't post bulletins but I had to do this today. This past weekend was a rough one for me for alot occured but I learned so much from it. And what I learned was that jealous and envious peop...
Posted by M$ Cynnabonz on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 05:40:00 PST