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` Apart of me thinks just mabe ower president does not now about what will happen2012 and im fustrated cause they have all the resources to save lives other than there owns!!!!!!! For me its a lot harder to try to save lives with out the ones that control everythings help!!!! If i had that job with those ill controlers i would camly and safly try to help us but from were i stand it seems like they are monsters that dont care about us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a lot about life you need to know about this means you should look away from what you grew up believing diG in books you normaly would not look at i feel life is like a puzzle of CRIPTIC messages in it GREEDY PEOPLE WANT EVERYTHING INCLUDING TO KEEP YOU IN THE DARK!!!!! YOU WILL NOT LEARN THE TRUTH FROM THE MEDIA OR RADIO MOST OF THE INFO IS CLASSIFIED INFO THAT THE GOVERMENTS WONT TALK ABOUT BECAUSE IT WILL CAUSE PANIC GO LOOK UP HISTORY OF 2012 THE 10TH PLANET NIBIRU BE SMART ABOUT WHAT YOU LEARNED DONT PANIC AND BE CALM ON WHAT YOU LEARN ! .! Fear comes from not knnnowing and understanding how to apply what you learn in a calming inteligent manner! imA PLANT LOVEING advocate i study about herbs Im all about feeling good. I have an idea of what healthy is it takes work.IM into Natural Medicine Mother Earth has all the powers and more than a Man Mad drug could ever provide Its a lot of Studying and Work just like anything that can better your life would be!. Sometimes i can be a complicated person in manys eyes. I know anything is possible in life and i deal with a lot of narrow soils that try to influence you to think like them in my opinion that would dry out anyones spirit!so if man can go to the moon and a tone of metal can fly in the sky why are you thinking so small? Im very optimistic about so many things. . Im in my own zone trying to have harmoney were ever these blessings takes me, back to this HOT TOPIC knowlege combined with modernday science to uncover the mysteries 2012 IS VERY IMPORTANT NEW THEROYS are emerging that the truth is keeped hiden from the public so you wont have a global panic it makes sence LOOK NEVER NEVER WILL US HUMANS BE AS SMART AS THE MYANS ARE NEVER WE DONT USE OWER MINDS THE WAY THEY DID AND MAN KIND HAS A LOT OF FLAWS THE HUMMAN CONDITION IS UNPREDICTBLE WHY YOU MAY SAY MANY LIE TO EACH OTHER ARE VERY GREEDY HAVE NO COMPATION WEEK MINDED LAZY SHOULD I GO ON??????STEAL .HURT OTHERS OUT OF FEAR. CANT CONTROL THERE FREARS MOST SICKEST CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH RATHER BELIEVE THE LIE TO BE MISUSE WHYLE WE ALLOW OWE SELVES TO SUFFER THE WEALTHY THOSE IN POWER SLEEP WITH NO CONCES YOU HAVE POWER TO READ TO THINK SMART TO NOT PANIC TO RESEARCH AND MOST OF ALL DONT DEPEND ON OWER GOVERMENT TO SAVE YOU THEY WONT THEY CANT BECAUSE THAT TAKES BEING HUMAN AND HAVEING A HEART SOMETHING THEY WILL NEVER KNOW OF THANKS AND GOOD LUCK TO US STRONG MINDED SOILS!!!!!!!all this is sayed in a calming nice way so please do not get ugly or demented !!!!!!!
♥ Twilight ♥
Meet your Meat

look what they feed you this is why your sick!this is what your supporting is it tast y now!!!listen to the crys look how they suffer. this is what you feed your kids!the sick part is the goverment feeds you this sick hu your just a number maybe an animal like these animals!!!there is a lie thats been going on for so long everything that you know is not the truth when i was a kid i noticed things then i read these boobs and i can tell you that it all make sence tso please try to look into these books please try to really better your health if you do eat meat dont support companys that do this your body is a organ things you put in your body can stop it from healing this is why they feed you this why worke hard to eat shit!please start with kevins books it will teach you how please care about your lifeand your kids please dont be overwealmed use this wisdome baby steps is better than no steps dont you think!!!!!!

30 seconds to mars - A beautiful Lie (Acoustic)

save the ice its a big part of everything!

My Interests

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Any one that has a good heart and understands that there is no need for jeauosly that is true has a open mind willing to do your work befor you juge! i will always be learning never will i clame to have all the answers but i do know were to find them! everyone but not many have there own beauty in there own right so no need to be nasty about what works for someone else! EVERY journey is diffrent do not compare your self to anyone there is no one like you maybe many colsed up followers!that dont want to understand cause that takes work AND IF IGNRANCE BLISS BOLDLY GOING NO WERE YOU MUST BE ORGASMIC! IF ONLY COLESED MINDS CAME WITH COLSED MOUTHS DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK FIND YOUR OWN TRUTH TO YOUR OWN ANSERS!also look past some miss spelling in in a hurry when i put my words out i really dont have the time to go back and correct every little mis spell word i have so much to study this is nothing to what i am studying all of this info is true !its up to you to see for your self!if you dont care then thats on you i do my part now its time for you to give all this lots of deep thinking.NO DEMENTED THINKERS ALLOWED MY PAGE IS TO SHARE INFO OF WHAT IV LEARNED AND TO HELP YOU LEARN ABOUT IT TO ALSO KEEP IN MIND WHAT I RIGHT ON PERSONAL IDEAS IS WHAT I WAS FEELING AT THE MOMENT IN TIME......POSITIVE THOUGHTS ONLY I DONT TOLERATE ANYONE THAT TALKED ABOUT CAUSEING HARM TO ANYTHING NOR ANYONE ALSO NO MENTAL ILLNESSES NO EVIL THINGS

My Blog

JAH JAH on FEMA CAMPS, HAARP, TORNADOES i like her personality shes telling the truth thow!!!!!!!
Posted by on Wed, 20 Jan 2010 13:17:00 GMT

HARRP intresting
Posted by on Wed, 20 Jan 2010 12:46:00 GMT

2012 What's REALLY going to happen -by alienscientist very intresting i so like the way he thinks um you now i do have a way of finding things others cant guss its a very storng gift anyways enjoy
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 16:55:00 GMT

D.U.M.B.s Deep Underground Military Bases its amasing so beautiful its fucked up we will never get to see this personaly im really sorry they are doing this to us it really breaks my he...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 15:25:00 GMT

Mayan Inca Aztec Egyptian Prophecy 2012 - Part 2 of 4 um listen please
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 14:28:00 GMT

2012 Theorist Newswrap We Were Warned - movie promo 2012
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 14:08:00 GMT

Everything 2012 Earth Changes Part 1 of 3
Posted by on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 14:38:00 GMT

Project Camelot interviews Patrick Geryl listen!!!!!!!!
Posted by on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 14:19:00 GMT

Deep Underground Bases for 2012. REVOLT NOW! not shore how long this will be kepped on web befor it gets taken off but this is very intresting not shore how stable it is? when the earth cru...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 10:06:00 GMT

Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 1 of 5: The Threat check it out
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jan 2010 18:03:00 GMT