computers, webdesign, graphics, motorcycles, tattooing,MS Flight Simulator X, mysteries of the world, partys, extraterrestrial life, traveling...
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Almost all kinds of music, it just have to be gooooood ;o) But mostly rock.
The Godfather, Dances with wolves, Braveheart, Star Wars, Blow, Memento, Beautifull Mind, Pulp Fiction, From Dusk till Dawn, Full Metal Jacket,... this could go on for days... (I've my own cinema ;o)
I don't watch TV this much, but if i had to choose, then the Simpsons,... yes! definitely the Simpsons!
Unfortunately i don't read much anymore. I think my favorites are "Minus Mann" by Heinz Sobota, "Hells Angel" by Sonny Barger and a book i have read long long ago. It was written by a native indian, who told about his whole life. From his earliest childhood in a free tribe, to the old age in the reservation. Very impressive and thought-provoking. I think the title was "little big Bizon", but i'm not sure...