IF U WANT UR MAN,TELL HIM NOT TO COME WHERE I STANDfunny movies, people, &every rapper
K Kinky
E Easy
L Little
V Vain
I Industrious
S Strong
H Hairy
A Awesome
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Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... refreshing
Your smile is... encouraging
Your love is... unique
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From DatingTips.ws
ciara cuz she funny and a outgoing person, T.I. dats my lover, plies cuz he a 100% real nigga
Tha music dat i'm in to is my baby lil wayne, ashanti, jezzy, my babydaddy pliez, bowwow, t-pain, pretty ricky, my girl trina, d4l, ciara, and T.Iparam
scary & funny also action
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