~ *kim* ~ profile picture

~ *kim* ~

would u rather burn out or fade away?

About Me

- kimi - hey kimi About ~ kimmi ~
AIM SN: kim4cha0z
† about this one bitch named kimmi, well i know that shes a mother of an adorable little princess named Lilai
† another thing about that gurl is that she wanders around San Diego alot doing shit.
† shes known as super mom coz she edumacates herself in the mornin and works at night and still manages to spend time with her family and frens. awww :]
† her music is basically compiled of reggae and death metal artists. on her good days, she also likes to listen to r'n'b and hip hop preferrably old school though.
her birth month says that she is :
Has lots of extraordinary ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinkforward. Unique.
brilliant. Sharp thinking. Fine, strong clairvoyance.
make good doctors. Dynamic. Secretive. Inquisitive.
Know how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative.
amiable. Brave. generous. Patient. Stubborn. hardhearted.
Determined. Never quit. Hardly become angry unless provoked.
Love to be alone. Think differently. Sharp-minded. Motivate self.
Dont appreciate praises. Highspirited.
Well-built, tough. Deep love, emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships.
Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy.
Honest. Keepsecrets. Cant control emotions. Unpredictable. there are certain people that make a big diffrence in your life. here are a few people that i must thank for saving me.
"there comes a time in your life when you realize who will always matter, who does matter, & who never did matter. so don`t worry about people from your past, there`s a reason they didn`t make it to your future."†

My Interests

someone once told me that i have amazing creative talent.

especially when my hobbies include photography, dance, reading and writing poetry and/or short stories.

i enjoy those becoz they allow me the chance to express my deep emotions.

I'd like to meet:

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about me
Write me a note.name is Kimberly i prefer to be called kim and most of my close frens call me kimmi.. my frens from back in the day love to call me kimpOt and i miss it.

im 21 and i have a TWO year old daughter that goes by the name of Lhorlai. plus.... i have another little one named Jerome.. he is 3 months old.. .

I am a very moody person, & wen im feeling that way my attitude tends to become a hit-and-miss. my physical condition is tied to my emotional well-being.

I am somewhat of a homebody yet i have a great love for travel too.

i require a great deal of alone time to recharge my emotional energy. SOME take it in a negative way. but people do need space to breath.

I am not known to be particularly tidy.. there will always be a certain amount of clutter. hmmmm

who id like to meet???

thats all.. hehehe

i dnt need to meet anyone any more.. i have more than wat i asked for.

let me just tell u this

wen im in love with someone i am willing to give everything i have to that person. but of course i expect the same in return. if my love isnt devoted to me and the relationship, i would just as soon be on my own.

with frens, on the other hand..

i have a tendency to be picky. i dnt care much about having an exciting social life. i prefer strong, emotional attachments rather then frenships based on more social or superficial reasons. i dnt deal with fakes.

wat i find intresting...
someone once told me that i have amazing creative talent.

especially when my hobbies include photography, dance, reading and writing poetry and/or short stories.

i enjoy those becoz they allow me the chance to express my deep emotions.

im musically challenged.

just coz my mp3 player consist of almost everything.it al depends on the mood im in.

it ranges from death metal to rnb to REGGAE to hip hop and to oldies but always goodies..

but some people think of listening to all and every genre is becoming musically gifted.

Crotchet The Leper


im musically challenged.

just coz my mp3 player consist of almost everything.it al depends on the mood im in.

it ranges from death metal to rnb to REGGAE to hip hop and to oldies but always goodies..

but some people think of listening to all and every genre is becoming musically gifted.


wen it comes to movies, i love mystery, horror and thrillers and of course an occasional laugh with comedies.


my taste for tv would likely run to forensic dramas, true crime and the occasional clever sitcom.


i love to play armchair detective by reading mysteries and thrillers. true crime and biographies are among my nonfiction favs.


of course family.. i look up to my mom as if she was GOD.

My Blog

to who ever u r......

you won bitch! hes all yours. im out.
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 08:51:00 PST


it hurts so much that people u trust can talk so much shit behind ur back. maybe there right. i do deserve all this shit thats goin on... maybe i am just a worthless slut. aparently thats all they see...
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Mon, 26 May 2008 03:44:00 PST

are u ready???

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa january 1st... we get OUR house... ohhh im so excited. am i ready though?? hmmm i dont know... scared?? hell yea... im not sure how we'l do wen we start to live together. i already k...
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 09:26:00 PST


so the planning begins...jan 5th 2008 is the date.  just barely got registered at target and babies r us and got our list ready for everyone to view. hehe not like imma get most that stuff anyway...
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 09:59:00 PST

but why?!

i wonder... if they wer trying to ruin his life why did they drag me along?? hmmm i dnt care about the past u dumb fuck all i care about is my future with him. so pls stop with all the nonsense. whoev...
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:41:00 PST


hellow again... nothing much just been really tired lately. hmmm i wonder why.. maybe coz of the growing belly.   damn 6 1/2 months and im so tired of this. hehe i just wanna give birth and see ...
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 10:01:00 PST

ayoko na!

waaaaaaaaaaaa sawa n ako.. ang sakit sakit n ng katawan ko... ayoko n mabuntis... i want to give birth already.. my body hurts. and im always in bad moods... waaaaaaaaaaaa
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 08:13:00 PST


time to call it quits. i love you. i really do.  i guess now ur just realizing just how pathetic i really am. u dnt believe me wen i say it. but its true. honestly! hapiness will come someday. w...
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 07:45:00 PST

i miss...

how happy life can really get... not having to worry about the future. just to live free and stay with the present.   cant have much fun nowadays.. too much goin on. have other things to think a...
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 08:11:00 PST

just thoughts.

they say childhood and ur upbringing has alot to do with the way u are today.... so does that mean that i had a bad childhood??? was i brought up wrong??? i dnt thnk so... childhood were more of my ha...
Posted by ~ *kim* ~ on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 09:29:00 PST