AUGUST 1st, 2006
HELLO's brah brah Brian. I decided to hack into your myspace because.. well I don't need to explain myself to you. HOPE U LiKE UR NEW LAYOUT! It's more colorful then ur WARDROBE! LMFAO. :] ANYWAYs the random 411 on this lovely boy, Brian is that he's CHiNESE [sorry if I spelled it wrong], he's buildin up his physique soo hes my MACHO MAN, mang! lols Born 102289 so that makes him younger then me. He has made me cry SOO many times from laughin... & a few times 4m sad movies. ='[ I EMBARESSED him that time. He's such a cheerful YOUNG STRAPPiN LAD who's HELLA easy to get along w/ & NO he ain't gay he ♥ them WOMEN & he's SiNGLE for those MEN & woMEN that r wondering. ;] He is the only child of two loving parents who have CiTRUS LiPTON TEA & COOKiES at their house! He graduated LAWTON ALTERNATiVE SCHOOL class of 'o3 w/ me & NOW he's goin to Phillip Burton HOPEFULLY graduatin class of 'o7 this smart boy. LOVE YA LOTs MiSTER KWA & I'm glad we've known each other since 1st GRADE!! I'll try my best 2 NEVER 4get our special times 2gether & can't wait till we have another SUPER BrianKaren moment!
WOW. either I'M SUPER TAN or you guys just SUPER PALE?! get chur TAN on mang.curious for more? HOLLA! AiM-AZNKWA