well i couldent live with out music, goin out with my mates, football(come on liverpool),goin to concerts,playin the bass,oh ye and playin pool(BADLY)
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the legend that is barry scott from the cilit bang advert, the killersoh ye n Id loved to have met elvis and bob marley
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i wouldent say that ive got 1 taste in music, coz i like most music but heres a few...........The killers,razorlight,muse,the fratellies,the klaxons,the redhot chillipeppers,blur,oasis,the stoneroses,tenacious D,arctic monkeys,wolfmother,the zutons,the kooks,kasabian,feeder,foo fighters,the subways,the white stripes, the rolling stones,the kinks,lynard sknard, the kings of leon,the who,green day,led zeplin,jimmi hendrix,bob marley,The Clash,the beatles,Nirvana,Kaiser Chiefs, elvis, and pritty much all the 50's music...... oh ye and i carnt forget my drum n bass........well al i can be assed to write
pulp fiction,resivour dogs,kill bill,the godfathers,,scarface,platoon,starwars,stargate,the matrix,lord of the rings,kung fu hustle,borat,saw,hostle,kingdom of heaven,the trumanshow,ace ventura,eternal sun shine of a spotless mind,shawn of the dead,donni darko,the da vinci code,,flat liners,.........
at the moment its gotta be LOST im still hooked,heros,shipwrecked,topgear,the simpsons,futurama,family guy,american dad.........
the da vinci code, angels&demons,his dark materials ,the tenth man,,the righteous men,hannibal, the last human, catcher in the rye..............
this is a no brainer its gotta be superman right.......or maybe it spiderman i dont know