- Shadow Skill - I Was At Dilla @Cargo :D profile picture

- Shadow Skill - I Was At Dilla @Cargo :D

- Shadow Skill -

About Me

Greetings and Salutations, welcome and thanks for coming to my space and checking my artwork, feel free to leave a comment on my work good or bad, bit rude to come onto man’s page see the work and not say something, jokes jokes.As you can tell I’m a graphix designer (Freelance) yups that’s my trade, decided to go freelance since the industry wouldn’t give me a job so thought, if they aint gonna give me one, i’ll make one for myself. Been doing this (graphix that is) since I could pick up a pen or pencil, I would just draw that’s always been my passion equalled only with training and music, the trifecta that equals my love for art.My tools as you can see are the pen and pad, the graphix tablet, scanner, hands and mind. Other than the graphix my other loves are buying tunes, mixing on my decks, cracking jokes, being a gamer (wot you don’t know about consoles son that’s u), writing n spitting my bars, training and teaching the kids judo (that was my sport before injury used to rep the country). So blah that’s it in a nutshell the about me.Thanks for visiting hopefully I’ll update this every so often with new stuff and new styles so you can see me progress and evolve in this.Bare with the tacky look of the page shall b getting updated.

My Interests

Drawing, desiging, rhyming, watching DVD’s, chilling, getting paid for what I love doing so it don’t feel like a job, playing the consoles, training, buying tunes, crate digging, mixing, cracking jokes, for more info just ask, don’t ask don’t get simple tings, but don’t bug tho.

I'd like to meet:

You … lol nah jokes, on a real just similar like minded people like myself, if your on a level drop a message or comment. Artists (graphix or music), people who like to cotch or relax, crate diggers, gamers, if your on a level feel free for convo. O yes and Ban the fake profiles, you people got some time on ur hands.


Revival, Rare groove, Ragga, Dancehall, Bashment and its many other aliases, Lovers Rock, Hiphop, Soul, R’n’B, Funk, Some Jazz, Some Classical, Garage, 2b honest if I like something what ever its genre I like it, y limit myself, I am a Beat n Wax Junkie.


Deadman’s shoes, Godfather, Bloodsport, 5 Fingers Of Death, Babycart aka Wolf & Cub aka Shogun Assasin series, Akira Kurosawa films, Iron Monkey, Blade Runner, Aliens 1 n 2, Predator ah man too many films


Anime, Cartoons, Wrestling was jokes tho it was fake you have to b a bit of a mad man 2let next person dash u off the top of the Hell in the cell, UFC, Pride, music channels.


Black book for sketches n ideas, rhyme book, Wu tang manual, comic books (aka graphic novels), Magazines, anything I like reading really.


J Dilla, he lived and died what he loved doing, how many get to do what they wanna do everyday and get paid for it and with humbleness, done it for the love.

My Blog

Update Be Soon

Sup people, I know I know I have not updated my page for a good millenia, I've been busy doing an animated music video for a group, so all my time and focus has been put into that don't worry when its...
Posted by - Shadow Skill - I Was At Dilla @Cargo :D on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 03:04:00 PST

Music Lovers What Was The Last CD/Vinyl U Purchased

Yes what was the last CD/Vinyl/Tape/Minidisc you actually purchased, not no mp3, wav file or download. I want to see the tru music lovers cos no mata how much we can download the tru music lover will ...
Posted by - Shadow Skill - I Was At Dilla @Cargo :D on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 01:31:00 PST

1st Blog

Blah blah blah yes I have finally decided to write a blog.  So far things in the graphix world are slowly but surely picking up done a few designs, need to redo my website tho so watch out for th...
Posted by - Shadow Skill - I Was At Dilla @Cargo :D on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 04:15:00 PST