Rebellious intellectual behavior involving hallucinogens and...literary references, Love letters written by Hitler, Maynard and Danzig, soy beans that cause massive socioeconomic and environmental collapse. Ready-made jokes. Sam Harris, George Orwell, Vampiric animals, making fun of Bob Dylan's voice-which I just found out is actually a cliche activity, telling Judas Priest fans that Cannibal Corpse could sing like Manowar if they thought it was cool. girls with glasses, preferably librarians/book worms...republicans that aren't white or poor and posses a college education. the 1997 phoenix lights. Art that isn't convoluted with popular culture and the never ending exploitation of love. Porno
God's dog...
I edited my profile with Satan.
My Friend Space
I have 100 friends.
Swamp Thing
The Blob
Killer tomatoes from outer space
Garden of the eels
Swallowing fiery razor blades while stabbing babies with the elderly...the sharp elderly. That's smarts
The Fountain
The one written by god,no not that one, the other one, ya that one.
people who dedicate their lives to a selfless cause...and Jack