~ Tiffany ~ profile picture

~ Tiffany ~

If you want me.....chase me!!!

My Interests


Grey's Anatomy....need i say more...absolutely love that show. I will take McDreamy or McSteamy anytime of the day!!! I love that show i can't get enough!! I love Lost but i'm kind of lost about the 3rd season...lol. And i can't forget America Idol....i don't know why but i'm so addicted, but then again i'm addicted to all reality TV, i guess you can say i'm a reality TV junkie, he he he!!!!! :)



You Belong in Rome
You're a big city girl with a small town heart
Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome
Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand
And gorgeous Italian men - could life get any better? What City Do You Belong In?
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Romeo + Juliet
"Has my heart loved 'till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw a true beauty 'till this night." What Famous Movie Kiss Are You?
You Are Fall!
What Season Are You?


My mom....because despite all of her obstacles in life she still comes out on top and continues to amaze me with her strength everyday